홈 >상품소개 > 제품별 분류 > 05. Perforated Non-Slip SWISS Tweezer > 제품상세정보
Perforated Non-Slip SWISS Tweezer ## 고정밀 논슬립 트위저, Rubis®, RU-3G SWISS-SA
■ Perforated Handle to ensures more ventilation on the fingertips,
preventing sweat excess and enhancing overall grip, handling and control of the tweezers
■ Lighter weight to prevent hand fatigue during prolongated use
■ No more coating means now the tweezers can be sterilized (autoclaving process)
■ Elegant and stylish patented design
Cat. No Model Description Unit Price(VAT별도) 납기 비고
T14-33-305 RU-3G SWISS-SA  Tweezer Perforated None Slip L120mm 1/EA

소비자가 : 40,600원

56 Day